Transform your garden with worm castings: a step towards sustainability

Fertilizing your garden with worm castings is an opportunity for transformation, making it healthier soil, a more sustainable space and obtaining greater production.

Both horticulture and sustainable gardening They contribute to improving the planet by contributing their grain of sand to the fight against climate change and helping to improve air quality. 

Transformation of the garden and orchard with worm castings

En Crickwoo we are specialists in organic worm castings and we know well its key role in the transformation of orchards and gardens. 

Your periodic contribution improves soil health, quality, nutrient richness and structure. It is the base and the beginning from which it promotes improvements to make it a more sustainable place. With healthier plants that contribute to improving air quality. Also with better use of water resources and contributing to normal cycles of nature.

Improve the quality of the soil in your garden with worm castings to take giant steps in improving the planet

El transformative power of worm humus and its ability to improve the quality and condition of the soil It is one of the great benefits that this natural product provides. And the basis on which other associated benefits are based, such as improved production, the better condition of the plants and even the sustainability of the garden. 

Improvements for your garden, for the planet and for society

Thanks to worm castings the domestic garden that has poor soil, a difficult structure for cultivation or is depleted can once again be healthy soil suitable for growing edible or ornamental plants.

At a particular level, it is an opportunity for people or families who have a garden or home garden. This allows them to enjoy a healthier space and richer and more abundant harvests. 

But with a broader view you can see that  the ability of worm castings to improve soils has the power of help transform the planet

  • Restoring soils to expand the existence of arable soils.
  • Achieving best crops and more abundant in places that could not be cultivated before to fight hunger. And it is that The lack of agricultural land is one of the reasons for hunger in the world
  • Favoring the self-sufficiency and food sovereignty of families, helping them save money, improving their quality of life and reducing their carbon footprint. 
  • Achieving better crops that contribute to protect soil from desertification, improve the air quality, contributing to an optimal environmental temperature and helping prevent rainwater loss by runoff by retaining it in a usable strip of land. 
  • Helping to regenerate soils affected by residual contamination.

Healthy soil rich in nutrients

Fertilizing your garden with worm castings improves soil wealth. The high concentration of essential nutrients provided by worm castings is key to making depleted or depleted soils available again with the nutrients that plants need. This way they can provide themselves with them, improving from the seedbed to the end of the harvest, throughout their natural cycle. 

Worm castings are highly rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic matter.. If we compare it with the manure that has been used for a long time as natural fertilizer, the difference is abysmal. 

The figures are revealing: Worm humus multiplies its nitrogen richness by five and multiplies its phosphorus contribution by seven. It also has eleven times more potassium and ten times more organic matter.

As you see, the nutritional richness of soil fertilized with worm castings It is incomparable. And it is essential so that plants can provide themselves with the essential nutrients they need to live, be stronger against pathogens and develop their full potential. This results in more beautiful gardens and orchards with more abundant crops. 

Transform your garden with Crickwoo worm castings - Crickwoo
Soil transformation with organic worm humus

Improve the soil of your garden with worm castings

But the greater richness of nutrients in the soil is not the only advantage of providing worm castings to the garden. In addition, it achieves other essential improvements:

  • Improvement of the soil physical properties improving its structure to favor crops and the optimal development of plants.
  • Contributes to pH balance ground. It is key to good absorption of nutrients by the plant and also to obtain better crop yields.
  • Keep the toxic free soil, since worm castings are a natural and organic product. 
  • Regeneration of soils affected by residual contamination, helping its recovery as agricultural land.
  • Restoration of soil microbial flora that should naturally be present in it. 

Your most sustainable garden with worm castings

Fertilizing your garden with worm castings not only improves the soil and crops, it also contributes to its greater sustainability. 

  • Greater biodiversity both at the level of microflora and the plants that, due to the pH and structure of the soil, can live in it. 
  • More abundant harvests. A better harvest yield means that more quality organic and healthy foods are obtained on the same land, favoring kilometer zero nutrition. This also reduces the need to consume food brought from distant areas, thereby avoiding emissions of polluting gases from transportation. 
  • Better use of water resources, since horticultural soil with an optimal supply of worm castings retains water better so that it is more easily used by plants and is not lost. The loss of fresh water is one of the great risks to our planet. 
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of the garden

Transform your garden with solid or liquid worm castings

To transform your garden with organic worm castings you can apply this organic product in solid or liquid form. At our worm castings online store Crickwoo has different formats and sizes to choose the one that best suits you. 

Transform your garden with worm castings and take steps towards sustainability the planet.

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