Discover CrickWoo eXpert, leaders in the production of Worm Humus, the ideal ecological fertilizer for the professional agricultural expert. Our products are designed to enrich your crops, maintaining a natural balance with the environment.

Effects on Soil Health

Earthworm humus: Enriches the soil structure, improves its water retention and aeration capacity. Increases soil biological activity and microbial diversity, contributing to long-term soil health and fertility.

Chemical fertilizers: They provide nutrients quickly and directly, but their continued use can lead to soil compaction, reduced microbial activity and long-term deterioration of soil quality.

Plant Nutrition and Health

Earthworm humus: It offers a slow and constant release of nutrients, allowing for balanced plant nutrition. It can also help protect plants from certain diseases and pests due to beneficial microorganisms.

Chemical fertilizers: They offer a quick fix for nutritional deficiencies, but can cause excessive, unbalanced plant growth. Excessive use can lead to salt buildup and nutrient toxicity.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

Earthworm humus: It is a completely organic and sustainable product, produced from the recycling of organic waste. Its use supports sustainable agriculture and reduces the carbon footprint.

Chemical fertilizers: Although they increase productivity in the short term, their production and use have a greater environmental impact, including the emission of greenhouse gases and the contamination of water and soil.

In summary, worm castings are more beneficial for the long-term health of soil and plants, and are more environmentally sustainable compared to chemical fertilizers, which offer quick results but can have long-term adverse effects on the soil. and the environment.


Are you an agricultural producer?

The most relevant key for an agricultural producer of worm castings is its ability to significantly improve soil fertility and health.

Are you a nurseryman?

The most interesting benefit of worm castings for Nurseries is its ability to promote healthy and vigorous growth of plants and seedlings, but above all, its positioning as a promoter of organic and sustainable products.

Are you a distributor?

For a distributor of agrochemicals and fertilizers, the most relevant factor of worm castings is its growing demand as an organic and ecological alternative to synthetic fertilizers

Are you a gardener or landscaper?

Worm castings are essential for gardeners and professionals in the design and maintenance of public and private gardens, due to its ability to enrich soil structure, improve water retention and provide a rich source of organic nutrients essential for plant growth.


Crickwoo produces organic fertilizers, including solid worm castings, liquid worm castings, and enriched substrates consisting of Baltic peat and pure worm castings.

We offer a wide range of services aimed at both private clients and professionals in the agricultural and gardening sector. These services include:


Personalized advice

Offer expert advice on the specific use and applications of each product to maximize its effectiveness in different types of crops and soil conditions.

Sale and Distribution of Organic Products

We provide a complete line of organic fertilizers and enriched substrates tailored to the needs of each customer, from small gardens to large farms.

Technical and After-sales Support:

We provide ongoing support to customers to resolve questions, manage tracking of product results, and adjust recommendations as necessary.
