Use of worm castings leachate for the production of green fodder - Crickwoo

Use of vermicompost leachates
for the production of green fodder

Use of worm castings leachate for the production of green forage is a solution that improves the quality of the harvest and its volume. Green fodder is a nutrient-rich natural livestock feed, vitamins and minerals.

Increase the yield of each harvest and making it more nutritious is key to its production. Both in the case of producers of green fodder for sale and in the case of farmers who grow it for animal consumption on their own farm.

At Crickwoo we are specialists in organic worm castings. We produce and sell high quality humus in different formats for agriculture, horticulture and gardening. And we know well benefits of worm castings leachate for the production of green fodder. Both for crops in the field and in the case of hydroponic crops.

Worm humus leachate rich in essential nutrients for green fodder

La production of organic fertilizers through vermicomposting Through the treatment of different waste it is becoming more and more popular around the world. Among these wastes are the sewage, animal excreta, crop residues and industrial waste. Also organic waste from families or companies.

The use of worm castings leachate is popular for its benefits for a healthier soil and to achieve best crops. And a good example is in the production of green fodder, a type of crop that requires fertilizers with great nutritional richness. These crops require a significant dose of nitrogen, potassium and organic matter. Thus, providing worm humus for your fertilizer is a very beneficial action for this.

Worm humus has a nutritional richness much higher than others. Organic fertilizers. In fact, it multiplies by several times the richness of potassium, organic matter, phosphorus and other nutrients in manure.

How worm humus leachate is obtained

Worms, when feeding on organic waste, exert different effects on them. In addition to fragmenting them, they stimulate microbial activity and increase the mineralization rate. In this way they transform them humic substances with a finer structure than composts. These substances also contain greater and more diverse microbial activity.

The waste not digested by the worm is eliminated in the feces. And it is commonly known as worm castings.

In our online biofertilizer store can buy liquid organic worm castings or in different formats.

Worm castings leachate is also known as liquid worm castings. It is the result of the liquid that is produced after the decomposition of organic waste by red worms through its natural digestive process in the vermicomposter.

Use of worm castings leachate for the production of green fodder - Crickwoo

Use of worm humus leachates for the production of green fodder

Various studies have shown the positive effects of worm castings on the growth of a wide variety of crops. Among them, cereals and legumes, vegetables as well as ornamental and flowering plants, in greenhouse conditions and in field tests.

It has been shown that the improvements in plant growth observed with worm castings may be due to different mechanisms. For example, it has been reported that it can reduce the incidence of diseases. He also contributes to suppress the population of parasitic nematodes. Additionally, it has the ability to increase the activity of certain types of mycorrhizae.

In other studies it has been seen that the microorganisms found in humus produce plant growth regulators. Among them, those derived from indole acetic acid (auxins), gibberellins and cytokines.

Also, during the humification of organic matter by bacteria, different types of humic substances are produced. Among them, humic acid, fulvic acid and ulminas.

Use of liquid worm castings in the production of green fodder

Traditionally the fgreen orages have been grown on the Plot. But the cultivation of hydroponic green fodder to feed livestock in arid areas or with soils not suitable for these plants.

In both, the use of worm castings leachate is recommended.

For field production, in addition to improving green leaf production, Worm humus improves the quality and condition of agricultural soils. As for hydroponic crops, liquid organic worm castings are the easiest to apply in culture water.

Through chemical analysis It has been shown that vermicomposts prepared with animal excreta contain large amounts of humic acids (HA). This publication describes the benefits of (AH) and some of its applications in forage production, through the use of Lixs obtained from vermicomposts of animal excreta. Download the document and read to learn more about this issue.

Guide to good practices for excreta recycling


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