Worm castings in the vineyard - Crickwoo

Worm humus in the vineyard: improves the balance of the soil and thus the quality of the wine

The use of worm castings in the vineyard is a possibility to improve soil quality, the condition of the plants and grape production. achieve a healthy soil and rich in essential nutrients is the first step to obtain better harvests from vine cultivation.

En Crickwoo as specialists in organic worm castings We are clear about the importance of their contribution to the improvement of the soils of vine cultivation. And, with this, his contribution to the wine quality.

Worm humus in the vineyard to improve the soil and protect the plant

The best floors are those who respect the balance between silica, clay and limestone; Many experts agree in highlighting the importance of worm castings in bringing said balance to the soil. Thus, the application of living organic solutions improves the quality of wine ratifying the importance of the soil in the cultivation of the vine.

The benefits of earthworm humus in the vineyard They are numerous, and well known. Among them, it is worth noting that regenerates the earth allowing the development of living microorganisms. Therefore, this helps the Water retention and its filtration, according to the soil's own needs.

El humus is a microgranulated dough which is formed by decomposition of organic matter, mainly due to the combined action of the animals, Of the bacteria and  soil fungus. The Earthworms They play an essential role in its production. They digest and transforms matter into assimilable. AND inoculate non-beneficial substancessuch as heavy metals.

Humus break up the earth and he hollows it out little by little. So facilitates the intake of nutrients through the roots of plants in an organic way and regulates plant nutrition. This provides nitrogen products to the degraded soil, balances the earth and makes it more fertile. It also absorbs heat, avoiding sudden changes in soil temperature. In this way it provides protection against frost damage and external pathogens. And strengthens the plant from its transplant.

Better soil aeration, vine rooting and water balance

El contribution of worm humus in the vineyard improves soil aeration. This way it is more porous and less compacted.

So contribute to soil water balance, key to the good condition of the plant. In this way it prevents waterlogging of the roots. It also prevents the inability to absorb water from the ground when needed. The absence of water stress of the vines is essential for the quality and quantity of grapes in the harvest. And key to wine quality.

El organic worm castings It is considered the best of the rooting agents. And it is to a large extent for the best permeability and better soil aeration. But also stimulating the rooting of the plant.

These benefits of worm castings in the vineyard are key to a good harvest. Thus, they eliminate the risk of transplantation by favoring the best root development of the plant. And it also contributes to the soil live microorganisms, so that it fills the soils with life and fertility

hummus is considered the best of the rooting, thus eliminating the risk of transplantation and favoring the better root development of the plant and provides the soil with live microorganisms, filling the soils with life and fertility.

Worm castings in the vineyard -Crickwoo

Contribution of worm humus in the vineyard to improve the pH and nutrient richness of the soil.

In addition, to all of the above, the use of worm castings in the vineyard provides other relevant benefits.

A good example is the best soil pH. The adequate supply of worm humus increases the cation exchange capacity of the soil and the buffering power of the soil. Thus it regulates the pH, reducing both its salinity and its acidity.

In addition,  They provide beneficial substances for the land in which the vineyard is grown. It is the case of phenols that contribute to plant respiration.

It also allows for greater phosphorus absorption y controls soil pathogens.

100% pure, fine and odorless worm humus to contribute to the vineyard

At Crickwoo we know the importance of providing worm castings to the vineyard and its benefits. It solubilizes minerals from the soil, which helps increase plant production and promotes the development of soil life. The impact of the nature and characteristics of the growing soil on the quality of wines is widely discussed by different experts in the field.

In many of Europe's famous regions it is firmly the belief that a particular soil has a lot to do with local successThe best soils are generally those that respect the balance between the three basic constituents of most soils: silica, clay, and limestone.. To integrate these three elements and other soil minerals into the soil, this study highlights the importance of worm castings in viticulture.
Crickwoo's goal is to be able to supply professionals with this product at a balanced price. As indicated in the study until now, worm castings were too expensive for producers and professionals. This happens because few produce it. Normally ranchers or professionals with access to manure, since it requires land and the methodologies are basic since the sector is little exploited.
Crickwoo develops a production plant with 7 hectares.

We apply natural methodologies: retaining walls, leachate drainage slopes, layer feeding, reproduction methodologies, etc. These are much more effective than traditional ones for guarantee 100% pure, fine and odorless worm humus. And definitely loaded with everything necessary to give a perfect contribution to the soil, with a equitable price or lower than the contribution of current traditional organic materials. check it in our worm castings online store.

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