Getting started in agriculture: 5 key reasons

Getting started in agriculture is an opportunity to consider if you are thinking about starting your own company. It offers great benefits on a personal level and is essential for global development.

Most young people do not think of agriculture as an area fertile to undertake, probably because they live in urban environments. And often, what is not known is not seen as an opportunity. However, it is a possibility that is present.

It's important to know that Agriculture is a great source of wealth and is essential for development. Food sovereignty is a need for countries. In places like Spain, as in other European countries, the aging of the rural population It is an opportunity to undertake agriculture for young people. It is necessary to replace these jobs and that opens a door to entrepreneurship for young people in an environment closer to nature where they can enjoy a better life quality.

En Crickwoo We are fully aware of the importance of agriculture for society, people's health and the care of the planet. If you are a young entrepreneur and want to start your business or are thinking about what you should study, consider the following reasons to choose agriculture.

Starting out in agriculture: 5 reasons why it is a good decision

1. The future of development depends on agriculture

Agriculture is one of the necessary factors for future development, since it is a sector up to 4 times more effective for reduce poverty than the rest. At the moment agricultural activity is key to producing nutritious food and a livelihood resource for a population that is growing at an accelerated pace, especially the poor.

La organic agriculture It is a key possibility for the sustainable development. Generate healthy soils, contributes to environmental care and produces quality food.

It also contributes to the development of abandoned areas. The depopulation of much of rural Spain and other areas in Europe is a reality that young people can solve by undertaking agriculture. Benefiting in the process by finding enriching work. In contact with nature. And in a place where the quality of life is higher. Furthermore, where money flows more because housing is much cheaper.

2. Entrepreneurship in agriculture can be a source of wealth for young people

There are large companies and entrepreneurs who started their companies in the agriculture sector, recognizing an unmet need or untapped food. Not only in Europe. Also in other places in the world, such as the case of Senegalese Randa Filfili. The young businesswoman found in the cashew nut the source for a new jam, and her product quickly became popular throughout the world.

For young people, undertaking agriculture is a way of generate wealth. Own, on an individual level. But also collective, generate opportunities and jobs for others. Something that is also enriching internally.

3. Farming can be a lot of fun.

Coming up with creative solutions to meet the demand for food leads to great and fun ideas. So a good example isThe U-Report website created by a group of young people to safeguard bananas, essential fruit for the local population, from a terrible disease. Agriculture has become a highly dynamic field for incorporating new ideas and effective innovations, thanks to the participation and interest of young people.

Entrepreneurship in agriculture allows a game of creativity important. There is no reason to replicate what has already been done. Find new ways to address work in the primary sector It is an opportunity for young people. It is also the way to value agricultural work and transfer recovered crops and new products generated with them to the market.

4. Research in the area needs young minds

If you enjoy research development, agriculture can be a great place to invest your energy and time. Many delegations and companies work towards development in the agricultural sector, and have produced ideas and products that have revolutionized the industry.

Today more than ever it is necessary to meet an ever-increasing demand for food, taking into account climate change. The use of techniques more aligned with organic agriculture and sustainability It is an advantage for the health of the plant. Hence it is essential to have new ideas and knowledge that alter current methods and enhance production without harming the environment.

5. More and more young people opt for agricultural activities

Awareness of the need to participate in the agricultural sector is growing in much of the world.

In Cameroon, Armenia, Brazil, Malawi, and Senegal, agriculture is increasing its competitiveness and governments, with the help of the World Bank Group and other development agencies, They are investing in young people to encourage their participation.

At Crickwoo as specialists in biofertilizers a base organic worm castings We believe that starting agriculture is an opportunity to be valued by young people who are looking for opportunities to create their own company and enjoy a better future. Assess if it is the ideal sector for your venture.

Source: Universia

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